Closed (again)…

I’m off w. Drop Dead & Junta for a few gigs in Sweden + Finland…

06.07 – Stockholm @ Cyklopen w. Burning Kitchen & Victims
07.07 – Umeå @ Verket w. Lonely Grave & Bitchcraft
08.07 – Oulu @ Hässäkkä-Päivät Fest w. Systematic Death – Forca Macabre – Dogface – Backlash etc etc.
09.07 – Tampere @ Vastavirta w. Systematic Death & Foreseen

Only Junta:
12.07 – Helsinki @ Squat Kumma w. Kohti Tuhoa & Kovaa Rasvaa
13.07 – Turku @ TVO w. Apukädet & Akseli Hiltunen

I’ll try to stay off the internet….
So I’ll be taking forever getting back to you all – sorry in advance.

Release schedule…

– A limited repress of the TYRANT E.P. is back in.
– The ARSLE + KATASTROF test presses have been approved and I’m hoping to have both of those here by the end of July.
– The GLORIOUS? “Neverending butchery” E.P. test press will hopefully be here shortly.
– The STRUL E.P. has been submitted to the plant.
– Also waiting for SNOR, URBANOIA, STRESS (SS) and PROFOSS to finish their respective recordings for upcoming records on AxC….all in due time!


Closed from May 15th – June 15th

I’ll be away on tour + holidays from mid May to mid June. So expect some delays.

In the meantime the ARSLE, GLORIOUS? and KATASTROF E.P.s have been submitted for production.
Hopefully the next batch will go out as well before I leave!

Out now…..


AC#41 – PLANET Y “s/t” E.P.

AC#42 – TYRANT “s/t” E.P.

AC#43 – DAMAGED HEAD “Gone” E.P.

JT4,5 – JUNTA “Vertigem” E.P.

4 new releases at press.

#41 – PLANET Y “s/t” E.P.
Like a mix between early Dangerhouse styled punk and classic Danish shit.
#42 – TYRANT “s/t” E.P.
Super catchy mid paced hardcore with an Oi! flavour!
#43 – DAMAGED HEAD “Gone” E.P.
A new line up and a new recording – same fucking attitude!
JT#4,5 – JUNTA “Vertigem” E.P.
Copenhagen Peace/War punk.

I hope to have these out in the 1st 1/4 of 2017.


…little birds sing of a new 7 track DAMAGED HEAD E.P. coming up on some good-for-nothing label….
Evil tongues also wisper of a new SNOR recording….hope they are speaking truth.

New website launched

So here’s the new layout for my web presence.
Thanks to Adrian for the massive help!

Coming up:

Please sign up through Mailchimp to recieve future updates.


Out now:
JUNTA “Aranhas” E.P.
SNOR “Totalna cisza” E.P.
GLORIOUS? “Who are they to impose restrictions” LP
THE WAR GOES ON “s/t” LP replacements

ARSLE LP – PLANET Y E.P. – TYRANT E.P. and more….

I’m always trying to patch up holes in my Copenhagen punk/hc/metal flyer+poster collection. So if you have doubles of something or stuff that you don’t need please do get in touch….Rewards are not unheard of.

Latest releases

NUKIES "Paralysis of Fear" 12"

PX-30 "s/t" 12"

PROBLEMS "Beg for Release" E.P.

PRISÃO "s/t" E.P.

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